Author's Note: The sexual content in this chapter is a tad heavier than that of other chapters. Carry on at your own risk.
Joy and Kenny Spencer, Teens
Evie Spencer, Child
Bridget Spencer, Child
Apollo Spencer, Toddler
Artemis Spencer, Toddler
“Mom, can we go to the park?” Kirk beamed, his sisters following behind. Kenny and Joy were at the door, no doubt also hoping that we could go.
“Ah, I don’t know…” I sighed, it was slightly cold outside.
“Oh, come on Ariel!” Brandon laughed, and walked into the living room. He had moved in recently, and was a great help with the kids. “Let’s go, it’d be a lot of fun!”

“Fine.” I sighed. “Let’s go.” We all piled into the car, and I called a babysitter for Apollo and Artemis.
“Yayayayay!” Kirk bounced up and down, full of energy, like always. “We’re going to the park!”
“Uuugghh,” I groaned, dreading having to go somewhere. “Why do we have to go to the park today?”
“Because, it’s the Autumn Festival, Mommy!” Evie smiles. Oh, that’s right. It is the Autumn Festival today.
“Come on, Ariel!” Brandon flashed a smile towards me, before returning his eyes to the road. “Cheer up! It’s gonna be fun!”

“Fine, I’ll try and be cheery.” I forced a cheesy smile. “For yooouuuu.”
“Thank you.” Brandon nodded, pretending to be extremely serious. I burst out in a fit of laughter as we arrived at the park. The quads rushed to the skating rink, it was humorous and adorable to see Evie trying to run in that big, pink dress of hers.
Joy and Kenny played chess, they were always together, I'm surprised they weren't literally attached at the hip.

Brandon and I took a photo together on his new smartphone.

Then we went and danced together, it was much different than my dance with Larn. It was nice and romantic, and he was a much better dancer.

"Hey, Ariel?" Brandon smiled at me as we were dancing.
"Hmm?" I smiled, getting pulled out of my pleasant thoughts about Brandon and I.
"Why don't we go get our photo taken in the photo booth?" He asked. "It'd be fun!"
"Sure!" I smiled, and we walked to the photobooth.

I posed for the camera when the countdown started, but Brandon surprised me by kissing me. "Ariel, I love you, you know that?"
"Of course I do." I stared into his eyes and smiled.
"I love you so, so much." Brandon kissed me again, and the kiss grew stronger with each passing moment. His lips made his way down to my neck, and he climbed on top of me.
And, well, things kind of progressed from there...
"So, he proposed, did he?" Brandon shocked me by closing the door and locking it.
"Uh, y-yeah!" I said, trying to catch my breath from Brandon scaring me. "It's great, isn't it?"
"Ariel, listen, I've been standing on the sidelines for too long, waiting for this relationship to crash and burn. But I can't wait anymore, Ariel. I love you, and I need you to know that!" He walked closer to me.
"Brandon, I'm with Gene!" I was furious. "There is nothing between--" He interrupted me by kissing me, and the sparks were more intense than Gene and I's.
"Ariel, can you really say there is nothing between us?" He said when he pulled away.
"N-No." I looked at him, shocked.
"Alright, then." He smiled. "It's settled, you're now mine."
"Brandon." I laughed. "I can't leave Gene. We're engaged!"
"You don't have to leave him." He leaned close to me. "You just... have to be mine." He kissed me again, and left.
We stepped out of the photobooth, and I remembered to grab the pictures real quick and tore them up before anyone could see them.

"Hey!" I was shocked to see Larn walking up to us with a smile on his face. When he saw Brandon, though, his smile faltered a little, but after a moment, it came back. "Who's this?"
"Oh, hey, Larn." I tried not to sound scared of him. "This is, uh, Brandon. My boyfriend. He was at the Valentine's Day party, didn't you see him?"

"Oh." His face turned grim. "Must have missed him."
"Hey, Larn!" Brandon smiled. "Nice to meet you." Brandon tried to shake Larn's hand, but Larn rudely declined the handshake.
"The pleasure is all mine." He glared at Brandon, and I could see that Brandon was a little scared, also.
"Hey, so, Larn, we're about to head home, was there anything you needed?" I tried to ask politely, but I'm sure a bit of fear rolled off my words.
"No, just wanted to, uh, say hi." He chuckled. "Have a nice night." He walked away, looking depressed.
"Well, that was..." Brandon tried to find the words, but couldn't, so he gave up. "Let's just go home, alright?"
I called the kids to the car, and we headed home.
“Mom, can we go to the park?” Kirk beamed, his sisters following behind. Kenny and Joy were at the door, no doubt also hoping that we could go.
“Ah, I don’t know…” I sighed, it was slightly cold outside.
“Oh, come on Ariel!” Brandon laughed, and walked into the living room. He had moved in recently, and was a great help with the kids. “Let’s go, it’d be a lot of fun!”

“Fine.” I sighed. “Let’s go.” We all piled into the car, and I called a babysitter for Apollo and Artemis.
“Yayayayay!” Kirk bounced up and down, full of energy, like always. “We’re going to the park!”
“Uuugghh,” I groaned, dreading having to go somewhere. “Why do we have to go to the park today?”
“Because, it’s the Autumn Festival, Mommy!” Evie smiles. Oh, that’s right. It is the Autumn Festival today.
“Come on, Ariel!” Brandon flashed a smile towards me, before returning his eyes to the road. “Cheer up! It’s gonna be fun!”

“Fine, I’ll try and be cheery.” I forced a cheesy smile. “For yooouuuu.”
“Thank you.” Brandon nodded, pretending to be extremely serious. I burst out in a fit of laughter as we arrived at the park. The quads rushed to the skating rink, it was humorous and adorable to see Evie trying to run in that big, pink dress of hers.

Joy and Kenny played chess, they were always together, I'm surprised they weren't literally attached at the hip.

Brandon and I took a photo together on his new smartphone.

Then we went and danced together, it was much different than my dance with Larn. It was nice and romantic, and he was a much better dancer.

"Hey, Ariel?" Brandon smiled at me as we were dancing.
"Hmm?" I smiled, getting pulled out of my pleasant thoughts about Brandon and I.
"Why don't we go get our photo taken in the photo booth?" He asked. "It'd be fun!"
"Sure!" I smiled, and we walked to the photobooth.

I posed for the camera when the countdown started, but Brandon surprised me by kissing me. "Ariel, I love you, you know that?"
"Of course I do." I stared into his eyes and smiled.
"I love you so, so much." Brandon kissed me again, and the kiss grew stronger with each passing moment. His lips made his way down to my neck, and he climbed on top of me.
And, well, things kind of progressed from there...
"So, he proposed, did he?" Brandon shocked me by closing the door and locking it.
"Uh, y-yeah!" I said, trying to catch my breath from Brandon scaring me. "It's great, isn't it?"
"Ariel, listen, I've been standing on the sidelines for too long, waiting for this relationship to crash and burn. But I can't wait anymore, Ariel. I love you, and I need you to know that!" He walked closer to me.
"Brandon, I'm with Gene!" I was furious. "There is nothing between--" He interrupted me by kissing me, and the sparks were more intense than Gene and I's.
"Ariel, can you really say there is nothing between us?" He said when he pulled away.
"N-No." I looked at him, shocked.
"Alright, then." He smiled. "It's settled, you're now mine."
"Brandon." I laughed. "I can't leave Gene. We're engaged!"
"You don't have to leave him." He leaned close to me. "You just... have to be mine." He kissed me again, and left.
We stepped out of the photobooth, and I remembered to grab the pictures real quick and tore them up before anyone could see them.

"Hey!" I was shocked to see Larn walking up to us with a smile on his face. When he saw Brandon, though, his smile faltered a little, but after a moment, it came back. "Who's this?"
"Oh, hey, Larn." I tried not to sound scared of him. "This is, uh, Brandon. My boyfriend. He was at the Valentine's Day party, didn't you see him?"

"Oh." His face turned grim. "Must have missed him."
"Hey, Larn!" Brandon smiled. "Nice to meet you." Brandon tried to shake Larn's hand, but Larn rudely declined the handshake.
"The pleasure is all mine." He glared at Brandon, and I could see that Brandon was a little scared, also.
"Hey, so, Larn, we're about to head home, was there anything you needed?" I tried to ask politely, but I'm sure a bit of fear rolled off my words.
"No, just wanted to, uh, say hi." He chuckled. "Have a nice night." He walked away, looking depressed.
"Well, that was..." Brandon tried to find the words, but couldn't, so he gave up. "Let's just go home, alright?"
I called the kids to the car, and we headed home.
“Ariel, there’s something we need to talk about…” Brandon
worriedly said as he closed the door and I sent the kids off to bed.
“Yeah, what is it?” I smiled, and noticed the scared look on
his face. “I-It’s not bad, is it?”
“What? No, no!” Brandon rushed. “It’s actually very good!
But, I just hope you see it that way…” He said, and when I didn’t respond, he
continued. “You remember that job offer I told you about? The one in Chicago?”
“Yeah, the one you weren’t going to take because you wanted
to be here with me?” I warily asked him.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Brandon smiled. “I’ve decided I am going
to take it. They want me to document a scientist’s experiments, and the
scientist actually recommended me. It’s someone I know really well…”
“Who is it?” I grew more worried with each second that
“Well, you see--”
“Who is it!?” I yelled, and I heard a car door shut.
“That’s her now, actually.” Brandon opened the door, and a
minute later, he returned with someone.
“Hi, Ariel!” The woman smiled.
“Lily…” I undoubtedly wore a shocked expression.
“Yes, Lily…” Brandon responded.
“As in, your ex-girlfriend Lily…”