Don't forget to vote on the poll for favorite child. Also, thanks for Arizona Synn for the challenge father, and Willow Hunter from The Hunter Legacy, Aperille Carke-Oar from Suddenly Grown-Ups, Logan Fey from Logan Fey's 100 Baby Challenge, and Aria Rapture from Aria Rapture's 100 Baby Challenge for letting me use their sims!
I wake up on my bed, fully clothed in some pajamas. I heard cooking from down
in the kitchen, and went downstairs. “Brandon?” I asked when I saw him cooking
some breakfast.
“Hah, well, somebody’s finally awake.” He laughed when I walked into the room.
“Want some breakfast?” He asked.
“Uh, sure…” I said as he slid the Bacon and Eggs onto a plate. “Did we, uh, do
anything last night?” I asked him, because I couldn’t remember anything after
we got to the bedroom.
“No, no.” He gave me the plate. “You immediately fell asleep.” He laughed.
“I-I’m sorry.” I lowered my head, my face red with embarrassment. “I guess
getting home late wore me out, and then Lily and the champagne probably didn’t
“It’s fine” he laughed as he sat down next to me with his plate, and kissed me
on the cheek.
“So, uh…” I started to ask the question that couldn’t be avoided. “What… What
are we? What does this mean? What about my… my challenge?”
“I dunno.” He shrugged. “Whatever you want to be. And about your challenge,
don’t give up now.” He smiled. “I don’t want you to give up because of me.”
“A-Alright.” Ariel replied. She could feel the awkwardness in the room.
“I gotta get to work.” He got up and put his plate in the dishwasher. “I’ll see you later.” He kissed me on the
cheek. “Oh, and Ariel?”
“Hmm?” I turned around.
“I love you, too.” He winked, and walked out of the house, leaving me blushing.
After eating breakfast, I got up and did some chores. By the time I was done
with everything, the kids got home, leaving the house a mess. Lily avoided me,
and I let her be. After the kids all did their homework, I fixed dinner and
sent them to bed, and an hour later, there was a knock on the door.
“Hello?” I opened the door, and saw Aria and two people I didn’t recognize,
along with one I haven’t seen in years. “A-Aperille?” I gasped, looking at her.
“Yup!” She said in her sing-song voice.
“Oh, so I see you two are already acquainted” Aria smiled. Aperille was a
friend of mine, Brandon, and Gene’s in high school. “Anyways, the other two are
Willow,” she said, nodding towards the vampire. “And Logan, he’s a challenge
dad.” She said, nodding to the guy, a werewolf.
“Uh, a challenge dad? How does that work?” I ask, confused.
“Well, I let the mothers move in with me until they have their babies, and then
they move out and I raise the children.” He explained.
“Oh….” I said, confused. “Well, I can’t go out. The kids are sleeping and--”
“Oh, come on!” Aria interrupted me. “Go get dressed, we’re going out.”
“But--” I tried to argue, but didn’t get very far.
“No buts! We aren’t taking no for an answer!” She interrupted me, again.
“Ahhh, alright.” I went upstairs, fixed my hair, and put on a dress. “Alright,
let’s go.” I sighed as I got downstairs.
“Great!” Aria sang, and we got into her car.
We drove in complete silence. Well, almost.
“I hate you, I hope you know that.” I grumbled.
“I know.” Aria giggled.
“Why did you decide to take me with you?” I groaned.
“Danielle decided you needed some fun.” Aria answered me.
I got out my phone and texted Danielle. “-_-”
She replied with “;3”.
We arrived at the club, and I could hear the music before I saw the club. It
was crowded with people, and I could see the bar selling alcoholic beverages
for a fairly cheap price. Aria, Aperille, and Willow went to the bar and
immediately started drinking. I turned to Logan, who seemed to be hesitant.
“I’m gonna get something to drink, god knows I need it to survive tonight.” I
said to him.
“A-Alright. Guess I’ll be driving us home, tonight.” He replied, and walked
with me to the bar. I ordered a drink, and it went from one, to two, to five…
Soon, everything got a bit blurry. A man I haven’t seen before walked up to me
and started hitting on me, and he looked strange, but I wasn’t sure if it was
because of the drinks, or if he actually looked weird.
“Hey.” He winked at me. “What’s up?” He smiled, and I was instantly charmed.
“Uh, n-nothing.” I stuttered, obviously the drinks were getting to me. “Wh-What’s up with you?”
“Eh, nothing much.” He said, casual and smooth. He took a sip of his drink, and
his glowing green eyes stared into mine.
…Wait, glowing?...
“Say, how about we take this party somewhere else?” He said to me, his face
close enough to me that I could feel the coldness of his skin.
“A-Alright.” Is all I could get out as he led me to the bathroom.
As soon as we were in the bathroom, he kissed me. I kissed him back, and could
feel his fangs with my tongue.
…Wait, fangs?...
“W-Wait.” I pulled away, gasping. “Wh-What’s going on? You have fangs, and…
“Hushhh…” He calmed me down , and kissed me again, and I didn’t resist.
“I want to walk up to the altar, and tell Gene he isn’t good enough for you.” A
male voice says behind me.
“You do?” I turned around, and saw Brandon standing there, all dressed up. It
was my wedding day, and I was supposed to get married to Gene, and go on an
amazing honey moon in Sunlit Tides.
“I want to tell him that I want you with me, and no one else.” He walked close
to me, close enough that I could feel his warm breath.
“Then why don’t you?” I said, breathless.
“And most of all, I want to kiss you…” He stared into my eyes.
“Then go ahead…” I replied, and he kissed me.
And then it was interrupted when Aperille walked into the room.
“Uh…” She stammered, and it was obvious that she was shocked.
“A-Aperille, Hi.” I gasped. “Uhm, please don’t tell Gene.” Was all I could say,
and she slowly nodded, and walked out of the room.
“Well, let’s hope that doesn’t blow up in our faces.” I said, looking at
I walked out of the bathroom, and silently tried to compose myself. I wasn’t
regretting the fact that I hooked up with some sleazy guy in a bar, it was just
a challenge father, right? But what scared me was the flashback I had during
the encounter.
Was this considered cheating? Was history just repeating itself? Would Brandon
be angry? I walked out and sat at the bar, and Aria, Aperille, and Willow were
drunkenly conversing, and Logan was laughing at not understanding a word they
said. I ordered a strong drink, and downed the whole thing in a matter of
I woke up in my bed, with a pounding headache. I wasn’t entirely sure how I got
back home, but I suddenly ran to go
puke. “Well, I guess that was to be expected…” I said to myself.
“What was to be expected?” A male voice said behind me, and I turned around to
greet Brandon’s smiling face. "Aria called and said you might need a little help, so I came over and watched you as you slept. Not in a creepy way or anything."
“Uh, I’m pregnant…” I looked at my feet, trying to avoid eye contact. “I met a
guy at the bar, and I’m so sorry Brandon…” I started to cry.
“Hey hey hey, no, It’s okay…” Brandon kneeled down beside me and caressed my
face. “Like you said, I guess it’s to be expected. You are a challenge mother,
after all.”
“Yeah, I guess so, but…” I said. “I dunno, I just thought you’d be mad at me.”
“I could never be mad at you, Ariel.” Brandon kissed me. “I love you.”
"I love you, too..." I kissed him back.
Soon after, I gave birth to two babies, Joy, a girl, and Kenny, a boy. Both were Vampires.

Soon after, I gave birth to two babies, Joy, a girl, and Kenny, a boy. Both were Vampires.